Mechanical Formulas


1 Technology Mind Map on Mechanical Formulas, created by Jamie_472 on 06/05/2013.
Mind Map by Jamie_472, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Jamie_472 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Mechanical Formulas
  1. Mechanical Advantage = Load/Effort
    1. Velocity Ratio
      1. Gears = Number of teeth driven / Number of teeth driver
        1. Compound Gears
          1. Gear Ratio = (Number of teeth on B / Number of teeth on A) x (Number of teeth of D / Number of teeth on C)
          2. Pulleys = Diameter of driven pulley / Diameter of driver pulley
            1. Chain and Sprocket = Number of teeth driven sprocket / Number of teeth driver sprocket
              1. Levers = Distance moved by effort / Distance moved by load
              2. Efficiency = Mechanical Advantage / Velocity Ratio
                1. Force (N) x Distance (Metres) = Torque (Nm)
                  1. Input Torque = Turning Force x Pulley Radius
                    1. Output Torque = Input Torque x Velocity Ratio
                      1. In rotary systems the turning effect of a force is known as torque
                      2. Moment of a force = Force x Perpendicular Distance
                        1. A moment is a turning force
                          1. Clockwise Moments = Anticlockwise Moments
                          2. Potential Energy = Mass of object x Acceleration of gravity (9.8 m/s2) x Height of object
                            1. Kinetic Energy = half mass (1/2) x velocity squared
                              1. Power = Work Done / Time Taken
                                1. Watt: The unit of power. 1 watt = 1 joule per second
                                  1. Power (Watts) = Torque (Nm) x Angular Velocity (Rad/s)
                                  2. Output Speed = Input Speed / Velocity Ratio
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