Environmental and Medical Issues


[incomplete] Module 2 of RE GCSE Edexcel Unit 8
Mind Map by zoeiwillis, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by zoeiwillis almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Environmental and Medical Issues
  1. Pollution
    1. Causes
      1. Problem of Waste
        1. Non-recyclable, releases chemicals into environment
        2. Land Pollution
          1. Poor growth, soil erosion etc
          2. Air Pollution
            1. Chemical affect natural balance of air, inc acid rain
            2. Water Pollution
              1. Eutrophication- dead lake
            3. Solutions
              1. Water
                1. Leave oil reserves in water untouched
                  1. Avoid using chemical near water
                  2. Air
                    1. Use clean fuels
                      1. Renewable resources
                        1. Geothermal power, solar power, nuclear power, water power
                        2. Non-renewable resources
                          1. Oi; natural gas; coal
                            1. Used for: buildings, electricity, transport, products
                          2. Increase taxes on flights
                          3. Waste
                            1. Improve education on recycling
                              1. Tax companies producing too much
                              2. Land
                                1. Harsher littering laws
                                  1. Reinforce nuclear plant safety
                              3. Global Warming
                                1. Effects
                                  1. Ice caps melting; sea levels rise; floods, land mass decreases
                                    1. Extreme weather, as Gulf Stream impacted
                                      1. Animals cannot adapt; become extinct
                                        1. Droughts and floods
                                        2. Solutions
                                          1. Individuals
                                            1. Smoke/drive less, use less electricity, recycle
                                            2. Governments
                                              1. Fund research efficient energy resources; tax companies emitting CO2 lots
                                              2. Scientists
                                                1. Experiment/research energy sources, invent technology lowering CO2 emissions
                                            3. Environment
                                              1. Xian
                                                1. Beliefs
                                                  1. Stewardship- care for environment & resources
                                                    1. Responsibility- recognise that people need to care for it
                                                      1. Authority- having a position of power over it
                                                      2. Teachings
                                                        1. "Rule over all living things" God- right to rule&care
                                                          1. Judgement Day- judged on...inc caring for Earth
                                                            1. Stewardship; Bible importance inheritance of Earth
                                                              1. God's anger at ruining environment
                                                            2. Muslim teachings
                                                              1. Khalifah- responsibility to care for environment
                                                                1. Earth is gift- treat with respect
                                                                  1. Brotherhood- all should share in Earth's resources; care for future
                                                                    1. Judgement Day- carried out Allah's wishes inc "stewards of the earth"
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