Internal factors and ethnic differences in achievement


A Levels Sociology (Education) Mind Map on Internal factors and ethnic differences in achievement, created by dottydiva96 on 09/04/2014.
Mind Map by dottydiva96, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by dottydiva96 almost 11 years ago
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Resource summary

Internal factors and ethnic differences in achievement
  1. Labelling and teacher racism
    1. Gilbourn and Youdell - teachers expect black students to be a problem
      1. Wright - teachers labelled Asians, discluded them for discussion
        1. Doesn't explain why they perform best
      2. Pupil responses and subcultures
        1. Fuller studied black girls who succeeded in terms of school work but did not conform, accept their labels etc
          1. Sewel found a variety of male responses
            1. Rebels - small minority of blacks
              1. Conformists - largest group
                1. Retreatists - minority
                  1. Innovators - second largest
                    1. Pro-education, anit-school
                  2. Labels not always accepted
                    1. Ignores wider racism
                    2. Ethnocentric curriculum
                      1. David - NC 'specifically British'
                        1. Troyna and Williams - gives priority to English culture
                          1. Schools teach other languages, literature, history, art etc
                            1. Doesn't explain how Indians and Chinese do best
                            2. Institutional racism
                              1. Ethnocentric curriculum example
                                1. Racism in educational structure
                                  1. Governors do little about cases of racism
                                  2. Selection and segregation
                                    1. Moore and Davenport - US schools favoured white MC students
                                      1. Racist bias in interviews for school places
                                        1. Schools want the best students and grades, regardless of ethnicity
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