3f Optical Communication Methods


A level, A2 IT (Chapter 3) Mind Map on 3f Optical Communication Methods, created by Gladys Mba on 23/01/2017.
Gladys Mba
Mind Map by Gladys Mba, updated more than 1 year ago
Gladys Mba
Created by Gladys Mba over 7 years ago

Resource summary

3f Optical Communication Methods
  1. Infrared
    1. Used with remote controls and with laptops to communicate with printers, mobiles and other laptops
      1. Use used most widely before bluetooth
        1. Needs direct line of sight
          1. Maximum distance of only 10m
            1. Cheap to implement
              1. Very restricted bandwidth 115.2kbps
              2. Fibre Optic
                1. Speed of light
                  1. Highest bandwidth of all optical communication methods
                    1. Used in LANs when obver 100m needs to be coveredand WANs
                      1. Low loss of signal and little interference.
                        1. Loss of data is rare
                        2. Can't be tapped like copper cables
                          1. Expensive
                            1. Splicing has to be used to fix it. Takes a long time
                            2. Lasers.
                              1. Two lasers needed to send data from and to each point
                                1. No physical connection but travels at speed of light
                                  1. Needs direct line of sight, difficulties with moving objects
                                    1. Uses
                                      1. Aircraft to/from ground
                                        1. Live sporting events
                                          1. LAN between close buildings
                                            1. Military communication where real time data is important
                                              1. Communication is space- beams can travel thousands of miles
                                              2. Secure as they are very narrow and only aimed from point to point
                                                1. Atmospheric conditions can cause interference e.g storms / dust
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