Quantitative Data


A Levels Sociology (CRIME & DEVIANCE ) Mind Map on Quantitative Data, created by riacooke4 on 10/04/2014.
Mind Map by riacooke4, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by riacooke4 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Quantitative Data
  1. Official Crime Statistics
    1. Peak age of offending for men: 17 women: 15
      1. Police recorded statistics
        1. Some crimes are unreported.
          1. Due to fear of reprisals
          2. Manipulated statistics
            1. Unreliable?
              1. Independent police officers can choose to pursue something or not
                1. Dispersal
                2. Some people aren't aware they have been victims of crime
                  1. Dark figure of crime
                    1. Crimes that aren't reported
                    2. For ever 100 crimes committed..
                      1. 47 are reported by victims
                        1. 27 are recorded by the police
                          1. 5 result in a caution or conviction
                        2. Victim Surveys (CSEW)
                          1. Largest social survey conducted in England and Wales
                            1. Asks people about crimes they have been victims of & whether these have been reported to the police
                              1. Gives a more accurate picture of the true extent of crime
                                1. Helps to uncover the dark figure of crime
                                  1. Methods used
                                    1. Letters are sent out in advance to sampled addresses to notify the household they have been selected
                                      1. Sampling frame uses postcode addresses stratified by police force area
                                        1. Random sampling ensures that all groups are represented
                                          1. Sometimes a 'boost' sample might be used to ensure that minority ethnic groups are fully represented
                                          2. Face to face interviews are used and the information is treated in the strictest confidence
                                            1. Conducted in the respondent's homes and responses are recorded on the computer
                                              1. Conducted with both those who have and have not been victims of crime
                                                1. Average length is 47 minutes
                                                2. A life event calendar is used to help people put dates to key events in their lives
                                                3. Used to developed, monitor and evaluate policies aimed at reducing crime
                                                  1. Used to identify those most at risk of crime
                                                    1. Used to come up with crime prevention strategies
                                                      1. Bridge between people and government
                                                        1. Provide a more complete picture of crime and is a good guide to long term trends in crime
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