Polynomial Functions


Mind Map on Polynomial Functions, created by Mathew_George on 12/04/2014.
Mind Map by Mathew_George, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Mathew_George almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Polynomial Functions
  1. degree
    1. Odd
              1. Even
                      1. leading coefficient
                        1. Positive
                            1. Negative
                              1. End behaviour
                                      1. Domain
                                        1. {x ∈ R}
                                        2. Multiplicity
                                          1. Multiplicity of 1
                                            1. Multiplicity of 2
                                              1. Multiplicity of 3
                                              2. Factorization
                                                1. Factor Theorem
                                                  1. Long Division
                                                    1. Remainder Theorem
                                                    2. Synthetic Division
                                                  2. Intervals of Increase and Decrease
                                                        1. Increasing
                                                          1. x∈ (-∞,-2) ∪ (0,∞)
                                                          2. Decreasing
                                                            1. x∈ (-2,0)
                                                            1. Increasing
                                                              1. x∈ (-3,0) ∪ (2,∞)
                                                              2. Decreasing
                                                                1. x∈ (-∞,-3) ∪ (0,2)
                                                            2. Symmetry
                                                              1. Symmetry across the y-axis
                                                                  1. Mirror image across the y-axis
                                                                1. Symmetry across the origin
                                                                    1. Looks the same even after its flipped 180 degrees
                                                                2. Solving Inequalities
                                                                  1. x³+7x²+10x ≥ 0
                                                                    1. x(x²+7x+10x) ≥ 0
                                                                      1. x(x+5) (x+2) ≥ 0
                                                                        1. f(x) ≥ 0 when
                                                                          1. x∈ [-5,2] ∪ [0,∞)
                                                                    Show full summary Hide full summary


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