How does the architecture of London and Dubai reflect their culture and use modern day engineering techniques


AS level EPQ Mind Map on How does the architecture of London and Dubai reflect their culture and adapt to their climate, created by Aidan Eggleston on 01/02/2017.
Aidan Eggleston
Mind Map by Aidan Eggleston, updated more than 1 year ago
Aidan Eggleston
Created by Aidan Eggleston over 7 years ago

Resource summary

How does the architecture of London and Dubai reflect their culture and use modern day engineering techniques
  1. Climate
    1. Hot climates
      1. Problems
        1. Protection from the sun
        2. Solutions
          1. Provide maximum ventilation and free air movement by large openings
            1. Provide maximum shading of direct and diffuse solar radiation
              1. Use reflective outer surfaces
                1. Use ventilated double roofs
                  1. Use lighter colours to reflect the heat
                2. Cold climates
                  1. Problems
                    1. Insulation
                    2. Solutions
                      1. Space buildings out to allow more sunlight to reach the ground
                        1. Use buildings and structures to block winter wind
                      2. Dry climates
                        1. Problems
                          1. Water
                            1. Poor foundations
                            2. Deserts
                              1. Solutions
                                1. Instal deeper and stronger foundations
                                  1. Use saltation tanks to make drinkable water
                                    1. Syfen ground water
                                  2. Wet climates
                                    1. Problems
                                      1. Humidity
                                        1. Certain materials cannot be used
                                        2. Solutions
                                          1. Use strong and water resistant materials
                                        3. Case studies
                                          1. Dubai
                                            1. London
                                          2. Culture
                                            1. People
                                              1. Religion
                                                1. Diversity
                                                  1. Unity
                                                  2. Organic structure
                                                    1. Geographic analyzability
                                                      1. Language
                                                        1. History
                                                          1. Castles
                                                            1. Cathedrals
                                                            2. Case studies
                                                              1. London
                                                                1. Dubai
                                                              2. Engineering techniques
                                                                1. Case study
                                                                  1. Dubai
                                                                    1. Burj Khalifa
                                                                      1. Burj Al Arab
                                                                      2. London
                                                                        1. The Shard
                                                                          1. 30 St. Mary Axe
                                                                      Show full summary Hide full summary


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