Using Podcasts for Inquiry-Based Learning


A visual that shows how podcasts can be used during the inquiry process
Clint Harris
Mind Map by Clint Harris, updated more than 1 year ago
Clint Harris
Created by Clint Harris almost 8 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

Using Podcasts for Inquiry-Based Learning
  1. References:
    1. "Creating Podcasts with Your Students." Reading Rockets. Web. 03 Feb. 2017.
      1. Josepicardo. "Podcasting in Five Easy Steps." YouTube. YouTube, 14 Dec. 2008. Web. 03 Feb. 2017.
    2. Exploring
      1. Students can use podcasts to initiate inquiry, choose their topic and develop questions
      2. Investigating
        1. Students can listen to podcasts to research information, answer questions they might have, or guide them to new questions on a topic
        2. Creating
          1. Students can present their findings with a podcast and reach a wide audience. It is a great alternative to a presentation. Can be ongoing. Can be used for smaller or larger assignments.
          2. Supports Student Learning Styles
            1. Auditory learners, verbal learners, can do individually or as a group
            2. Supports Students With Exceptionalities
              1. Excellent practice for students with speaking challenges, students do not have to speak in front of an audience, can give them a voice, can use a script,
              2. How to create a podcast


                1. Creating podcasts in the classroom has many educational benefits, including strengthening skills in research, writing, and collaboration — and podcasting is easy to do.. (Reading Rockets)
                  1. Benefits:
                    1. Can learn anywhere, can learn anything, can choose what to learn, creating, communication, planning, enables students to develop good communication skills, problem solving ability, researching, writing, improving vocabulary
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