What have you learnt about technologies in the process of constructing this product?


Mind Map on What have you learnt about technologies in the process of constructing this product?, created by arron.bettley on 14/04/2014.
Mind Map by arron.bettley, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by arron.bettley over 10 years ago

Resource summary

What have you learnt about technologies in the process of constructing this product?
  1. Cameras
    1. Cameras
      1. When starting the product I had never used a high tec camera so the Sony HD 1000 was new to me. I found out that using this camera produced better high quality shots for our film. From the preliminary task we used a smaller camera and tripod which were easier to use but don't create quite as good quality as the bigger camera.
      2. Editing
        1. Final Cut Express
          1. I had never used this piece of software before but it is a very effective software to use for editing film. It was simple to use and allowed me to produce a the film I wanted. The use of effect tools to create fades throughout the film and especially on titles. Another feature in this software we used was key framing to sync the titles with the elevator doors to add that extra effect. It allowed us to cut footage we didn't need to use shots to improve the continuity of the film. As well as this I could add sound and place effect on this also to fade the volume up or down to certasin points of the film for example when someone was speaking.
        2. Social Networks
          1. Facebook
            1. We needed feedback on our film and because facebook is one of the biggest social networking sites and many friends are on facebook, we shared our video amongst facebook for people to see and comment on and also share if they wanted to.
            2. Google
              1. On google I had never used blogger before and its a useful site because we used this to post all our research, film, story boards etc which you can see every group members work also. This site allows you to embed videos and other software used for example slideshare onto your blog. Another main part of google I have learned is google docs. I have only every used Microsoft word to produce documents but this is the same that you can use anywhere.
              2. Youtube
                1. I already knew how to use youtube as it is a video sharing site and this is what we used to share our film for people to see.
              3. Sound and Music
                1. We used a range of websites and different things to get music for our film but the main one we used to find all our sounds was a website called www.Freemusic.org which gave us a range of sounds and theme music for our film. Also, we had to record a voice over for the end of the two minutes which we recorded using a high tec recorder so that there was no interferences and was a high quality sound voice over.
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