Inderterminism: Things
happen randomly. Not
libertarianism, self
determination is needed for
real free will - power of
free choice to control
which actions we perform.
Randomness destroys importance
of human agency. E.g. reach for a
hammer - clap of thunder - i fall
knock over my brother who then
trips and pours scalding water over
mum who then screams and gives
next door a heart attack
Deliberate decision missing - no
one responsible and no one has
control; life not always like this
Libertarianism does not deny
causal chain nor advocate
randomness. Claims that
exercise of reason helps us
to escape from passive
motivation e.g. desire
Random events -
deliberate actions
Hume said if anyone can find a cause
without a necessary connection to its
effect grant libertarianism true - because
without causal necessity have no
concept of causation
Dualism - Descartes
Body and mind are seperate, so
human decision making would be
outside natural order of cause
and effcect because not physical
Bodies are material machines and,
and mind immaterial so free from
causal laws
Acts of willing are free - 'power of
the will..we are able to do or not to
do the same thing'
Problems of interaction - if volition
takes place in mental realm how
does it communicate with physical
body? spirit affect matter? Defy
laws of science
How can something non physical cause
something physical? To move muscles -
neurones fire - chemicals move between
neurones - anything physical takes energy. Since
will not physical no physical enerfy to move
chemicals - breaks law of conservation of
energy - creating new energy
How do you know which mind is
attached to which body? More
than one mind to be attached to a
body? or minds to swap?
Judgement - intention -
volition - act
Freewill is when it is in my
power to act in any number
of different ways and i was
able to reason over my
decisions and exercise
control over my desires
Quantum physics suggests at
the level of small atomic
particles - motion of particles
But scientists say that causal laws at
macro level (large scale) are
deterministic - so determinism true
Chance: 1)
coincidence, 2)
ignorance 3) probability
Consciousness determines life -
although we operate in a set of
conditions we have a choice in
how we interpret and respond to
the conditions
I choose how to see
my past - so it cannot
determine my future
Detach ourselves from the
present, through deliberation
and look for reasons instead
of causes. Continually
conscious of possibilities
Actions reveal desires,
desires do not determine
actions - freedom is desiring
what i do.
What if i am not even aware i have a choice?
E.g. child may not even be aware that
disobeying parents is an option. Precondition
of freedom is awareness of alternatives -
strong social conditioning or limited resources
awareness not exist
Awareness of possibilities does not
provide realistic choices, sartre sai d' there
is always the possibility that the coward will
give up cowardice'- probability will not
translate into real choice
'Man is condemned
to be free'
No human nature to fall back on -
we alone are responsible for our
actions - create ourselves. Only we
can solve our dilemmas -FREE
People feel free
No - tumour, Patricia
Churchland or drug addict -
feel free but not really. ILLUSION