Based on a true story of a woman who
turned her father in for supplying defective
parts to the army
Miller took two and a half years to
write the play. When he started in
1945 he was 30 years old
At the time there was a change in the role
of women as they were offered more jobs
due to men being in the war
Money was more and more important at the
time, finance was a big part of life which
was the opposite of make do and mend
A military minded person had pride,
respect, self discipline, emotional
detachment and didn't question authority
There was a lot of death occuring at the time.
People were not returning home from the war and
that left gaps in families
Communism, consumerism
and capitalism. The period of
the play coincides with the
development of the idea of "The
American Dream"
18 years previous the Wall Street Crash heralded
10 years of depression throughout America.
Miller's father lost his business and the failure of
capitalism is shown throughout All My Sons