Trust Purposes


Trusts Mind Map on Trust Purposes, created by 40055097 on 19/04/2014.
Mind Map by 40055097, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 40055097 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Trust Purposes
  1. trustee does not have complete freedom
    1. Too Vague
      1. Hardie v Morrison
        1. sale of books for 'free thought'
        2. McLean v Henderson
          1. Phernology case
        3. Too Wide
          1. Wood v Woods Exr
            1. 'as she knows i would wish'
          2. Identifying class of person
            1. Salvesons Tv v Wye
              1. 'Poor relative and aqaintences'
              2. Smellie v Glasgow RI
                1. 'persons i should like to remember'
              3. Certain expressions
                1. Charitable purposes
                  1. allowable
                  2. too vague
                    1. benevolent purposes
                      1. religious purposes
                        1. purblic purposes
                        2. Conjunctive and Disjunctive
                          1. and/or
                            1. charitable and religious purposes may be void
                            2. purposes both charitable and religious is valid
                          2. Requirement to nominate
                            1. Angus Exr v Batchans Tr
                              1. no trustees appointed
                            2. Illeality of purposes
                              1. criminal
                                1. prohibited
                                  1. contravenng statute
                                    1. e.g. successive liferents
                                  2. Contra bonos mores
                                    1. offend against natural moral sense
                                      1. conditions which resrit freedom of choice
                                        1. Aird v Aird
                                          1. brother to be batchelor to receive benefit
                                    2. conrary to public policy
                                      1. McCaig Cases
                                        1. Flockhart's Tr v Bourlet
                                          1. Cannot leave money for pets
                                      Show full summary Hide full summary


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