Preventing Mobile Phone Theft


GCSE Revisiting Mobile Phones Mind Map on Preventing Mobile Phone Theft, created by Rebekah Jones on 08/05/2013.
Rebekah Jones
Mind Map by Rebekah Jones, updated more than 1 year ago
Rebekah Jones
Created by Rebekah Jones almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

Preventing Mobile Phone Theft
  1. When not using your phone, keep it in a zipped closed pocket.
    1. Don't attract attention to your phone when you are carrying or using it in the street.
      1. If your phone is in your bag, make sure that it is closed or zipped up.
        1. Don't leave your phone unattended in a car, if you want to leave it in your car, lock it away out of sight, for example in a glove box.
          1. Put a security code on your phone, to prevent people from accessing any personal information on your phone.
            1. Register your phone with your network provider.
              1. Download anti theft software on your phone.
                1. Use an ultra violet pen, to mark your contact details on the back of your phone and your battery.
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