The New Right


Perspective on the family
Fionnghuala Malone
Mind Map by Fionnghuala Malone, updated more than 1 year ago
Fionnghuala Malone
Created by Fionnghuala Malone almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

The New Right
  1. The family transmits norms & values of society
    1. Hard work
      1. Self - Dependency
      2. Reflects a Family Ideology
        1. Set of ideas about what constitutes as an ideal family
          1. Clear sexual division of labour
        2. Ideology transmitted by
          1. Mass media
            1. Rekigion
              1. Pressure groups
              2. The Nuclear Family is the bedrock of society
                1. MERITOCRACY
                  1. EFFORT + ABILITY = REWARD
                  2. Theory developed in 1980's
                    1. Based on the idea that the Nuclear Family and it's values are the best for society
                      1. Mum/Dad/Children
                    2. These undermine the family
                      1. Welfare state
                        1. Divorce
                          1. Children
                            1. Social policies on the family
                            2. SOCIAL POLICY
                              1. Things that the government do that have an effect on society
                                1. Raising Taxes
                                  1. Divorce law
                                    1. Education laws
                                      1. Healthcare
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