This is a mind map i created for my GCSE English exam on of mice and men. It looks at Curley's wife, and finding quotations and meaning for those quotes.
Her Appearence:
She has blonde hair,
and is in love with her
looks. Her hair is her
prized posession,
and she was even
vain enough to
believe she could of
been a famous
This is eventually what
kills her, because
Lennie wants to stroke
her hair
But lonliness kills
her as well, because
she starts talking to
Lennie, telling him her
life story.
"She had full, rouged lips and wide-spaced eyes,
heavily made up. Her hair hung in little rolled clusters,
like sausages."
Curleys wife is described as a
tart, and is seen as jail bait by the
ranch hands.
Newly married
wife of Curley, the
boss's son.
She only married
because her mother had
thrown her out.
She flirts with the ranch
hands to make Curley
She creates tension in
the bunkhouse.
She enjoys the attention.
She hoped to be an
actress, but because that
dream cant come true,
she's stuck with just the
ranch hands approval.
She is killed by Lennie, and
therefore the reason George
has to shoot him.
She ruined their dream.
She can be vindictive and she
will use her power and status to
get what she wants.
"You know what i can
do to you if you open
your trap?"
Curley's wife is
never really evil. Her
outweighs any
crimes she may
have committed.
"She was very pretty and
simple, and her face was sweet
and young."
She had her
dreams destroyed
as well.
"He says he was gonna
put me in the movies."
This also shows her
sense of naivity for
believing this man. She
is still so young, and
she is in a horrible
relationship with a horrid
man, so this may also
be another cause for
her wanting to flirt, so
that she can feel free