3j Broadband


A level, A2 IT (Chapter 3) Mind Map on 3j Broadband, created by Gladys Mba on 21/02/2017.
Gladys Mba
Mind Map by Gladys Mba, updated more than 1 year ago
Gladys Mba
Created by Gladys Mba over 7 years ago

Resource summary

3j Broadband
  1. Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL)
    1. Uses existing copper telephone line
      1. Small amount of frequency left for phone call, some for upstream and more for downstream
        1. O- Used in homes as no extra cable installation is needed
        2. Asymmetric with downstream having the greater bandwidth as it is used for downloading more.
          1. X- Not suitable for businesses which upload more
          2. X - Need to be close to a telephone line
            1. X - Electrical interference and other devices such as fax machine may reduce bandwidth
              1. X- Distance from telephone exchange, and interference from AM radio stations can decrease bandwidth.
              2. Cable
                1. Provided by cable TV companies
                  1. O- Mainly fibre optic -higher bandwidth available
                    1. Asymmetric
                      1. 50Mbps downstream for businesses (20Mbps for homes)
                        1. X- Maybe a bottle neck in the fibre optic cable connecting a street's switch to the ISP, where many households are using the same cable.
                        2. Wireless
                          1. 3G can provide 14.4Mbps downstream and 5.8Mbps
                            1. 4G (LTE) can provide 8-30 Mbps
                              1. Used for mobile devices, enables video calls and high bandwidth internet
                                1. X- Requires a good signal
                                2. Leased Line
                                  1. Only between two locations
                                    1. O- No connection ratios and guaranteed bandwidth
                                    2. X- Very expensive, installed just for organisation
                                      1. Symmetric
                                        1. e.g. "Grid for Learning"
                                        2. Satellite
                                          1. Used in remote area with no physical/wireless connections
                                            1. Two-way satellite broadband allows downloading and uploading of data through satellite connection. One-way needs a telephone line to upload.
                                              1. Uses Geosynchronous satellites about 37,000km above the earth. Latency of about 0.7 between data being sent and received.
                                                1. X- Impractical for interactive applications e.g. online gaming/ video conferencing
                                                2. X- Line of sight required
                                                3. Asymmetric: upstream and down stream have different bandwidth
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