Major Causes of the Progressive Era


History week 6
Dylan Basden
Mind Map by Dylan Basden, updated more than 1 year ago
Dylan Basden
Created by Dylan Basden over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Major Causes of the Progressive Era
  1. Working Conditions
    1. Immigrant Living Conditions
      1. Hull House
        1. Jacob Riis
        2. Big Business
          1. Sherman Antitrust
            1. Clayton Antitrust
              1. Meat Inspection Act
                1. Pure Food and Drug Act
                  1. Upton Sinclair
                    1. Theordore Roosevelt
                      1. William Howard Taft
                      2. Environmentalism
                        1. National Wildlife Refuges
                          1. John Muir
                            1. Gifford Pinchot
                              1. Woodrow Wilson Act
                                1. William Howard Taft
                                2. Women's Rights
                                  1. 19th Amendment
                                    1. Jane Addams
                                      1. National American Suffrage Association
                                        1. Alice Paul
                                        2. Racial Discrimination
                                          1. NAACP
                                            1. Tuskegee Institute
                                              1. Brooker T. Washington
                                                1. Theordore Roosevelt
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