A Feynman diagram shows
the existence of particles
through time
How do the values for mass number and
atomic number change when a beta-
particle is emitted?
The mass number stays
the same and the
atomic number
increases by 1
A photon is a 'packet of energy' or a light
particle. All electro-magnetic waves can be
What are the 2 'families' of particles
and what are the
The Hadrons and the Leptons. The leptons are fundamental particles, meaning
that they are not made up of quarks. Hadrons are non-fundamental, meaning
they are made up of quarks. Hadrons have 2 sub-groups: the Baryons and the
Mesons. They can both be made of matter and anti-matter. They can also bot be
affected by gravitational interaction and electromagnetic interaction
Name all the Leptons and
Hadrons: Mesons - Kaon and Pion,
Baryons - Proton and Neutron
Leptons: Electron,
Electron neutrino, Muon,
Muon neutrino, Tau, Tau
To check the conservation of a
reaction, you can check: Lepton
number, Baryon number,
What are the 4
Fundamental forces?
Gravity, Electromagnetic
Force, Strong Nuclear Force
and Weak Nuclear Force
What is the Strong Nuclear Force?
The force that prevents the protons inside the nucleus from
repelling each other and causing the atom to 'fall apart'. it is
between 0.5 and 3 fm. It holds the protons and neuteons
What is the Weak Nuclear Force?
This is responsible for Beta- decay. It is
mediated by W and Z bosons shown in
Feynman Diagrams