Social learning theory


JasmineXD Jasmine
Mind Map by JasmineXD Jasmine, updated more than 1 year ago
JasmineXD Jasmine
Created by JasmineXD Jasmine over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Social learning theory
  1. Bandura / The Bobo doll experiment
    1. Procedures
      1. aggressive acts in the video e.g. striking with a mallet, verbal aggression
        1. Frustrate the children by not allowing them to play with attractive toys
      2. Findings
        1. aggressive model - children repeated the physically & verbally aggressive behaviour
          1. One-third of the grp
            1. Follow-up study
              1. higher level of aggression in the children's own play
            2. Non-aggressive model - children exhibited no aggressive behaviour
          2. Modelling
            1. Imitation
              1. Identification
                1. Vicarious reinforcement
                  1. Mediational process
                    1. Evaluation
                      1. Strengths
                        1. Useful applicants
                          1. e.g. criminal behaviour
                            1. violent behaviour in adolescent
                              1. association with delinquent peer groups
                                1. behaviour is modelled and rewarded
                            2. Supporting research on identification
                              1. Fox
                                1. Virtually exercising or loitering experiment
                            3. Limitations
                              1. Complexity
                                1. Other potential influences & its complex response/interaction
                                  1. e.g. gender role behaviour
                                    1. e.g. media portrayals, locus of control
                                      1. Difficult to show only one main casual influence
                                      2. Ignores genes (biological)
                                      3. causality
                                        1. delinquency
                                          1. adoption of the same behaviours and values from increased association with deviant peers
                                            1. e.g. low self-control
                                            2. individuals with deviant attitudes seek similar deviant peers
                                              1. Sigel & McCormick 2006
                                              2. Genes could be a factor triggering
                                          2. Identification in SL of health behaviours
                                            1. Media and model for target audience
                                              1. Influence change in health-related behaviours
                                                1. e.g. anti-alcohol ad
                                                2. Message potency may be lost if individuals are unable to identify with given model in the ad
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