Guru Nanak


Mind Map on Guru Nanak, created by romileesime1996 on 08/05/2013.
Mind Map by romileesime1996, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by romileesime1996 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Guru Nanak
  1. Founder of Sikh religion
    1. Born April 15 1469
      1. Simple Hindu family
      2. Punjab area of Talwandi
        1. Aged 11
          1. time to invest sacred thread according to traditional Hindu custom
            1. Refused
          2. Accompanied by a family friend Mardana to river Bain for a bath
            1. Reported drowned
              1. God revealed himself to Guru Nanak
                1. "There is but One God. His name is Truth..."
                2. Reappeared 3 days later
                  1. "There is no Hindu, nor Muslim."
                    1. Taken to God's court and given a cup of nectar to drink, with the instruction to rejoice in God's name
                      1. Long journeys to convey message
                        1. After journey, he returned and created the Sikh village Kartharpur
                    2. Hostile to Mughal administration
                      1. Referred Babur as "Messenger of Death"
                      2. Teachings in Adi Granth
                        1. Equality
                          1. Rejection of caste system
                          2. 3 Fundamental Doctrines
                            1. Nam
                              1. "The Name"
                                1. a direct experience achieved by meditating
                                2. Sabad
                                  1. "The Word"
                                    1. God revealed through spoken word
                                    2. Guru
                                      1. Revealed through knowledge of Guru
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