Question words


Example of wh-question words in use.
Mariola Hejduk
Mind Map by Mariola Hejduk, updated more than 1 year ago
Mariola Hejduk
Created by Mariola Hejduk almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question words
  1. What? (Thing)
    1. What time is it?
      1. It's 12 o clock.
      2. What is your name?
        1. My name is Anna.
        2. What is your telephone number?
          1. My telephone number is 0778998676.
        3. Where? (Place)
          1. Where are you from?
            1. I an from Poland.
            2. Where do you live?
              1. I live in Hartlepool.
              2. Where is your car?
                1. My car is in the car park.
              3. Who? (Person)
                1. Who is this person?
                  1. She is my daughter.
                  2. Who is your friend?
                    1. He is a doctor.
                    2. Who do you work with?
                      1. I work with Polish and English people.
                    3. When (Time)
                      1. When do you get up?
                        1. I get up at 7 o'clock.
                        2. When do you start work?
                          1. I start work at 9 o'clock.
                          2. When is your birthday?
                            1. My birthday is on 3rd May.
                          3. Why? (Reason)
                            1. Why do you learn Engish?
                              1. Because I live here.
                              2. Why do you smoke?
                                1. Because I like it.
                              3. How (Manner)
                                1. How are you?
                                  1. I'm OK, thanks.
                                  2. How old are you?
                                    1. I am 34 years old.
                                    2. How often do you play football?
                                      1. I play football once a week.
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