OCR - A-Level - Chemistry - Enthalpy Changes


A level Chemistry (Module 3) Mind Map on OCR - A-Level - Chemistry - Enthalpy Changes, created by Josh Anderson on 01/03/2017.
Josh Anderson
Mind Map by Josh Anderson, updated more than 1 year ago
Josh Anderson
Created by Josh Anderson over 7 years ago

Resource summary

OCR - A-Level - Chemistry - Enthalpy Changes
  1. Enthalpy is the amount of thermal energy stored by chemicals in a system.
    1. Represented as H
      1. ΔH, +ve means it is endothermic
        1. +ve because gaining energy
          1. In endothermic reactions, products have more energy than reactants. Energy taken in from the surroundings.
          2. ΔH, -ve means it is exothermic
            1. -ve because losing energy
              1. In exothermic reactions, products have less energy than reactants. Energy given out to the surroundings.
              2. With a catalyst, activation energy needed is reduced.
                1. Exothermic
                  1. Endothermic
              3. A system is the reactants and products.
                1. Standard conditions
                  1. 100kPa
                    1. 298K (25 degrees Celsius)
                      1. 1.0M concentration
                        1. Standard state is the most stable physical state of a substance under standard conditions
                          1. Magnesium is Mg(s)
                            1. Hydrogen is H2(g)
                              1. Water is H2O(l)
                            2. Enthalpy change of reaction
                              1. Balanced chemical equation
                              2. Enthalpy change of formation
                                1. Only 1 mole of the product
                                2. Enthalpy change of combustion
                                  1. Only 1 mole of the fuel substance
                                  2. Enthalpy change of neutralisation
                                    1. Only 1 mole of water
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