B2 Revision


Mind Map on B2 Revision, created by jaspreet.natt on 25/04/2014.
Mind Map by jaspreet.natt, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jaspreet.natt over 10 years ago

Resource summary

B2 Revision
  1. Classification
    1. Energy Flow
      1. Arrows indicate where energy is being transferred to.
        1. Energy can be lost at every trophic level due to egestion, excretion and heat loss.
          1. Energy Efficiency = (Energy into Biomass / Total Energy) X 100
            1. Pyramid of Biomass can be hard to construct because:
              1. Organisms may belong to more than 1 trophic level
                1. Problems measuring dry biomass e.g. a tree.
                2. Pyramids of Biomass show the dry mass of living material at each trophic level
              2. Recycling
                1. Carbon and Nitrogen are two recycled elements
                  1. Carbon Cycle is displays how carbon is recycled around Earth
                    1. The Nitrogen Cycle demonstrates how nitrogen is recycled around Earth
                      1. Animals or plants incorporate these elements in their body
                    2. Interdependence
                      1. Adaptations
                        1. Natural Selection
                          1. Population and Pollution
                            1. Sustainability
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