

Mind Map on Juries, created by Angela Dickinson on 03/03/2017.
Angela Dickinson
Mind Map by Angela Dickinson, updated more than 1 year ago
Angela Dickinson
Created by Angela Dickinson almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Qualification
    1. age 18-70
      1. resident in UK for at least 5 years
        1. on the electoral register
        2. Selection
          1. before court
            1. random selection from electoral register
            2. At court
              1. 15 jurors allocated at random to a trial
                1. 12 selected in a further randomised selection inside the courtroom
                2. Challenge
                  1. juror may be asked to stand down
                    1. if they know someone related to the case
                      1. if the judge agrees they are unsuitable for this trial


                        • for example - someone with a KKK tattoo involved in the trial of a black defendant.
                3. deferrment/excusal
                  1. excusal


                    • you do not have to jury service at all 
                    1. disability


                      • only if the disability means they couldn't carry out the duties of a juror
                      1. have been a juror twice before
                      2. deferrment


                        • put off your jury service until a later date
                        1. work commitments
                          1. expecting a baby


                            • around the time of the trial
                            1. caring responsibilities
                              1. exams
                                1. pre-booked holiday
                              2. Jury vetting


                                • 'vetting' means checking their suitability
                                1. basic check
                                  1. all jurors are checked for criminal records
                                  2. Background check


                                    • these are very rare
                                    1. only in cases concerning national security


                                      • for example - cases where undercover MI5 officers give evidence  Might put them at risk might give away secrets
                                      1. must be authorised by the attorney genral


                                        • the government's legal adviser
                                        1. checks people's work history, political views, security files
                                      2. Role of the jury
                                        1. usually 12 on a jury


                                          • can be reduced if a juror goes sick in the middle of the trial
                                          1. nominate a foreman


                                            • the person who addresses the court on behalf of the whole jury,  delivers the verdict
                                            1. listen to evidence
                                              1. decide a verdict


                                                • guilty or not guilty jury talk amongst themselves in the jury room and decide
                                                1. unanimous


                                                  • a verdict normally has to be agreed by the WHOLE jury Where agreement cannot be reached a judge may decide to accept a 11-1 verdict or a 10-2.  Cannot go lower than 10 jurors agreeing. 
                                                2. rules of the jury
                                                  1. must not research


                                                    • the verdict must be based ONLY on evidence presented on court.  jurors must not research the case at all
                                                    1. secrecy


                                                      • Jurors must not discuss the case with ANYONE other than the other jurors involved.  including after the trial has finished
                                                      1. must not contact anyone involved


                                                        • Joanne Frail caused the collapse of a million £ drugs trial when she Facebook messaged one of the defendants.  She was sentenced to 8 months in prison for 'contempt of court' 
                                                    2. evaluation
                                                      1. advantages
                                                        1. trial by peers


                                                          • an historically important part of British law.  Magna Carta 1215  
                                                          1. hard to corrupt


                                                            • with 12 people involved it would be very hard to bribe or pressure the jury to make a particular decision
                                                            1. Fairness


                                                              • Juries are not 'case-hardened' like magistrates or legal professionals. This is probably the 1st trial they have heard so will decide on the evidence rather than any prejudices they have
                                                              1. secrecy


                                                                • the rules about secrecy mean that a juror can speak openly in the jury room without worrying about reprisals
                                                              2. disadvantages
                                                                1. expensive


                                                                  • expenses and loss of earnings have to be paid to each juror The administration of getting people into court is costly 
                                                                  1. secrecy


                                                                    • this can be a disadvantage because the reasons for a verdict are never explained.  Lawyers cannot learn from this process 
                                                                    1. perverse verdicts


                                                                      • Juries can sometimes make surprising decisions, sometimes rejecting clear evidence of guilt for a defendant that they sympathise with
                                                                  2. Disqualification
                                                                    1. permanent
                                                                      1. served a sentence >5 years
                                                                      2. disqualified for 10 years
                                                                        1. served a sentence < 5 years
                                                                        2. serious mental imapirment
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