Young and Wilmott (1973)


AS/ A Level Sociology (UNIT 1- Families and Households) Mind Map on Young and Wilmott (1973), created by Fionnghuala Malone on 26/04/2014.
Fionnghuala Malone
Mind Map by Fionnghuala Malone, updated more than 1 year ago
Fionnghuala Malone
Created by Fionnghuala Malone almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Young and Wilmott (1973)
    1. Declared the arrival of the symmetrical family
      1. Men helped with domestic chores but predominatley in the domain of the women
        1. 71% 'help' in the house
        2. Division of labour
          1. Largely breaking down
          2. 'March of progress' theory, they argued that the family has gone through three stages of development
            1. STAGE 1
              1. Pre-industrial - Family is a unit of consumption
              2. STAGE 2
                1. Early industrilisation segregated conjugal roles
                2. STAGE 3
                  1. Symmetrical family following slum clearance NF move out to new towns
                3. The Symmetrical Family
                  1. NF had become more inward looking, home centred, privatised and conjugal roles were becoming increasingly similar
                    1. 'Sense of balance' between spouses - not identical
                    2. After the 'move'
                      1. Family life was improving for all it's members
                        1. More equal and democratic
                        2. Symmetrical
                          1. Women now work full/part time
                            1. Men help more with housework & childcare
                              1. Couples spend more leisure time together
                              2. ANN OAKLEY
                                1. Criticises Y&W for 'methodological sloppiness'
                                  1. Methodically Sloppy because their argument is based on a subjective question
                                    1. "Do you/does your husband 'help'?"
                                    2. Y&W assume domestic labour is a female's responsibility and males 'help' them
                                    3. Reasons for rise in symmetrical families
                                      1. Geographic Mobility
                                        1. New Technology
                                          1. Changes of positions of females in society
                                            1. Higher standard of living- Affluence
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