Characters Mindmap Billy Elliot


Mind Map on Characters Mindmap Billy Elliot, created by Yvonne Ettenauer on 07/03/2017.
Yvonne Ettenauer
Mind Map by Yvonne Ettenauer, updated more than 1 year ago
Yvonne Ettenauer
Created by Yvonne Ettenauer over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Characters Mindmap Billy Elliot
  1. Nan
    1. Billy grandmother
      1. She 80 years
        1. loved dancing
        2. Billy Elliot
          1. Is 12 years old
            1. lives in Everington with his dad,brother,and nan
              1. His mother died two years ago
                1. loves Music and dancing
                2. Tony Elliot
                  1. Billy's Brother
                    1. Is 20 years old
                      1. miner and striker
                        1. hates Police and the scabs
                        2. Michael
                          1. Billy's best friend
                          2. Billy's mother
                            1. died or two years ago
                            2. Mrs Wilkinson/Miss
                              1. Billy's ballet teacher
                                1. lives her husband and daughter Debbie
                                  1. teacher ballet at the Social
                                    1. The Girl nd Billy call her Miss
                                    2. Jackie Elliot
                                      1. Billy's dad
                                        1. He's a miner
                                          1. He's on strike
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