Topic 12:Secularisation


Mind Map on Topic 12:Secularisation, created by anna_lewis_93 on 09/05/2013.
Mind Map by anna_lewis_93, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by anna_lewis_93 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Topic 12:Secularisation
  1. overview
    1. whilst many sociologists is occuring, others point to the growth of religious fundamentalism in mordern societies
      1. Casanova (1994) argues that secularisation can take 3 forms
        1. DIFFERENTIATION: when non-religious spheres, such as the economy become separate from religion
          1. DECLINE OF BELIEFS: people begin to cease holding religious beliefs
            1. PRIVATISATION: when religion disengages from public life and ceasea trying to influence people lifes
              1. casanova only sees the first type of secularisation occuring. Religion no longer has a centeral positionin mordern societies but neither does it fade away
            2. Wilson
              1. secularisation is hard to measure because religion is hard to measure
                1. despite this evidence seems to suggest that secularisation IS occuring:
                  1. 1.reduction in religious attendance
                    1. 2.reduction in relihious belief and growth of agnostic/ athesism
                      1. 3.although NRM are popular, this actually supports secularisation theory- NRM are generally short lived and exoctic, suggesting that religion is not take seriously any more.
                    2. Bruce (1995)
                      1. secularisation is occuring dure to societalization- a process whereby societ becomes fragmented and close knit societys decline
                        1. because of societalization, the church no longer brings the community together, and therefore people see no need to attend services
                        2. Turner
                          1. Agrees that secularisation is occuring
                            1. evidence: declining power of the church e.g couldnt prevent clivil marriages.
                            2. this is because religion is no loner needed by the bourgeouise to ensure family inheritance of wealth primogeniture
                            3. Berger
                              1. secularisation is occuring due to religious pluralism
                                1. multiple religions
                                2. we have acess to many religions- this makes us question their validity- they cant all be correct
                                  1. therefore we start to disbelieve all religions
                                  2. Desacrilisation and Rationalisation
                                    1. Desacrilisation: is a process whereby the world no longer appears a sacred/ spiritual place under the control of supernatural forces. People actions are no longer directed by religious beliefs of goals
                                      1. Rationalisation:is a process by which more and more areas of life become goverened according to rational principles. For example, rational activity is goverened by the careful calculation of profit and loss; worl is prganised to maximise economic growth; and laws are not produced on a ruler's irrational whim.
                                        1. Weber: secularisation is occuring due to rationalisation
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