Group Theory


Major Maths - Dave Mind Map on Group Theory, created by Tasha Jones on 09/05/2013.
Tasha Jones
Mind Map by Tasha Jones, updated more than 1 year ago
Tasha Jones
Created by Tasha Jones over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Group Theory
  1. Three Models
    1. Plane Figures
      1. Combination Table (Caley)
        1. Tessellations
          1. Regular (3)
            1. Hexagon (6^3)
              1. Quadrilateral (4^4)
                1. Triangle (3^6)
                2. Semi-regular (8)
                  1. Irregular (lots)
                  2. Symmetry
                    1. Rotational
                      1. Cn
                        1. Dn
                        2. Reflective
                          1. Dn
                      2. Modular Mathematics
                        1. Combination Table (Caley)
                        2. Polyhedra
                          1. Platonic Solids (5)
                            1. Tetrahedron (4)
                              1. Cube (6)
                                1. Octahedron (8)
                                  1. Dodecahedron (12)
                                    1. Icosahedron (20)
                                    2. Archimedean Solids (13)
                                      1. Snub Cubotahedron
                                        1. Icosidodecahedron
                                    3. Four Group Axioms
                                      1. A. Closed
                                        1. B. Associative
                                          1. C. Identity
                                            1. D. Inverse
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