GCSE Statistics


What you need to revise for the GCSE statistics exam - some of the nodes have little notes attached with tips and reminders
Felix Ulrich-Oltean
Mind Map by Felix Ulrich-Oltean, updated more than 1 year ago
Felix Ulrich-Oltean
Created by Felix Ulrich-Oltean over 10 years ago

Resource summary

GCSE Statistics
  1. Collecting Data
    1. Sampling methods
      1. Stratified
        1. Systematic
          1. Random starting place, every nth person where n is pop / sample
          2. Random
            1. Every item has an equal chance
              1. Using random number tables
              2. Quota
                1. Key words: sampling frame, sampling unit, census, population
                2. Capture / recapture is just two equiv fractions


                  • tagged    tagged in recapture ---------  =  --------------------------- total               recapture size
                  1. Surveys
                    1. Suitable questions (open/closed)
                      1. Pilot surveys
                      2. Data types
                      3. Graphs and Charts
                        1. Histograms
                          1. CF / boxplots
                            1. Skew
                              1. Outliers
                              2. Choropleth
                                1. Comparative pie charts


                                  • Remember to comment on the proportions (angle of slice) and the actual numbers (area)
                                  1. Stem and leaf digrams
                                    1. Misleading graphs
                                      1. Axes
                                        1. Labels
                                          1. Thickness / colour
                                            1. 3D effect
                                          2. Processing Data
                                            1. Standard deviation
                                              1. Mean
                                                1. Use midpoints when data is grouped
                                                2. Median/Quantiles by Interpolation
                                                3. Correlation
                                                  1. Spearman's Rank
                                                    1. Tied ranks
                                                      1. Interpreting the result
                                                      2. Line of best fit
                                                        1. Equation of the line (gradient / intercept)
                                                          1. Make predictions
                                                            1. Extrapolation
                                                          2. Time
                                                            1. Index numbers


                                                              • Get the scale factor or multiplier by doing: eventual value / original value
                                                              1. Chain-based
                                                                1. Base year
                                                                  1. Weighted
                                                                  2. Time series table and graph
                                                                    1. Moving averages
                                                                      1. Trend line
                                                                        1. Seasonal variations
                                                                          1. Mean seasonal variation / seasonal effect
                                                                            1. Predict future value
                                                                      2. Probability
                                                                        1. Venn diagrams


                                                                          • Work from the inside out - remember P(A) is the probability of the whole A circle. Also, remember the box and the number of items outside the circles.
                                                                          1. Tree diagrams
                                                                          2. Distributions
                                                                            1. Normal
                                                                              1. Features, percentages
                                                                                1. QA charts, warning, action limits
                                                                                2. Binomial
                                                                                  1. Discrete uniform
                                                                                  Show full summary Hide full summary


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