The Glacier System and the Types of Glaciers


Geography phsical.
Mind Map by merrettn, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by merrettn over 10 years ago

Resource summary

The Glacier System and the Types of Glaciers
    1. Energy
      1. Precipitation
        1. Moraine (Supra, Sub glacial)
        2. PROCESSES
          1. Ice Movement
            1. Erosion
              1. Transportation
                1. Deposition
                2. OUTPUTS
                  1. Ablation
                    1. Calving
                      1. Sediment
                      2. MASS BALANCE
                        1. the constant adjustments to the amount of accumulation and the amount of ablation
                          1. Accumulation
                            1. the net gain in an ice mass and is dominant in the upper part of the glacier. Examples of this are snow, refreezing of meltwater and avalanches
                              1. >ablation causes for a positive mass balance, this means that the glacier will be advancing
                              2. Ablation
                                1. the net loss of water from an ice mass, this is dominant in the lower part of the glacier. Examples of this are melting, calving, evaporation and sublimation
                                  1. >accumulation causes for a negative ass balance, this means that the glacier will be retreating. This tends to occur in the summer.
                                2. TYPES OF GLACIER
                                  1. Cold Glaciers (Arctic and Antarctic)
                                    1. HIGH latitude location
                                      1. LOW relief
                                        1. Temperature is always below 0
                                          1. basal temperature is well below PMP
                                            1. Movement of Cold Glaciers
                                              1. Intergranual flow - Crystal reorrientate themselves and move in relation to eachother
                                                1. Laminar flow - the movement of individual layers within the glacier slide over eachother.
                                                  1. 1-2cm a day
                                                2. Temperature Glacier (Alps and Rockies)
                                                  1. HIGH Altitude
                                                    1. Areas of HIGH ACCUMULATION in the winter
                                                      1. Milder climate with summer melting
                                                        1. Movement of Temperature Glaciers
                                                          1. 2-3m per day
                                                            1. Basal Slippage
                                                              1. It can represent 80% of Glacier movement. Most temperate glaciers are at PMP at their base. Friction between the bedrock and the glacier causes the temperature to increase, this means ice melts and the water acts as a lubricant and causes the glacier to move.
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