Henry and his ministers 1515-1540


GCSE History Mind Map on Henry and his ministers 1515-1540, created by Dan Bacon on 21/03/2017.
Dan Bacon
Mind Map by Dan Bacon, updated more than 1 year ago
Dan Bacon
Created by Dan Bacon over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Henry and his ministers 1515-1540
  1. Wolsey
    1. Control of domestic policy
      1. Legal reforms
        1. Financial policy
          1. Control of the nobility
          2. Alter Rex?
            1. Disagreements show where true power was
              1. Amicable Grant 1525
                1. Appointment of Abbess in 1528
                  1. Suggestion of attacking France in 1522
                  2. Papal Legate
                    1. Control of the Church
                2. Cromwell
                  1. His skill in managing Parliament
                    1. He piloted the Royal Supremacy through Parliament
                      1. Laws passed that established the Royal Supremacy
                        1. For example, The Act of Supremacy 1534
                    2. Religion
                      1. Cromwell advanced the Protestant agenda
                        1. Dissolution of the monasteries
                          1. Vicegerent in religious affairs
                        2. Ten Articles 1536
                          1. However, Six Articles in 1539 was much more conservative
                            1. Shows Henry taking control?
                      2. The fall from power of his chief ministers
                        1. Henry dispensed of all of his leading ministers
                          1. This shows where the power was in the relationship
                            1. More
                              1. He only agreed to be the chief minister if he had nothing to do with the divorce
                                1. However, he was executed when he was found to be denying the Royal Supremacy
                              2. Wolsey
                                1. Failure to get the Divorce
                                2. Cromwell
                                  1. Foreign policy failures
                                    1. Anne of Cleves
                                      1. Attacked by the Conservatives at Court
                                        1. Link to his religious policy
                              3. Henry's attitude to government
                                1. The contrast to Henry VII - he was not concerned with being involved with every detail
                                  1. His image as a Renaissance Prince
                                    1. Was far more interested in foreign policy
                                      1. This meant that his leading ministers normally had less control over foreign policy
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