This is all the 'ICT Systems' Topic Notes I will be revising. If you check my other mindmaps, you should be able to find all my other mindmaps I have created for ICT, French, English, Foodtech, Etc. This is just for last minute revision for myself, if any info is missing please don't hesitate to comment what information you require and I'll add it on.
Analysis is all about looking at how a job
is done at present and seeing if the job
could be done better or more efficiently by
upgrading or developing a new system.
Types of ICT Systems
Manage Data
Like Stock Systems
Manage Information
Control Machines
Input, Process and Output
Like Robots
Successful transport of data
from one place to another
Definition of ICT System
An ICT system is a set-up
consisting of hardware, software,
data and the people who use them. It
commonly includes communications
technology, such as the Internet.
ICT and computers are not the same
thing. Computers are the hardware
that is often part of an ICT system.
System Life Cycle
Mnemonic: Four Animals Die In The Desert Every Month
1. Feasibility Study
2. Analysis
3. Design
4. Implementation
6. Development
7. Evaluation
8. Maintenance
The next step is to draw up
a requirements specification
that outlines exactly what
the new system will do.