Is Brazil developed?


Assessment three HASS - Mr Gregory 2017 Year 10
Rachel Kinnane
Mind Map by Rachel Kinnane, updated more than 1 year ago
Rachel Kinnane
Created by Rachel Kinnane over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Is Brazil developed?
  1. Health
    1. Life expectancy 74 years old
      1. Adult mortality (per 1,000 people)
        1. Males 194
          1. Females 93
          2. Deaths per 100,000 people
            1. Malaria 0.6
              1. Tuberculosis 2.6
              2. Infants
                1. Mortality (per 1,000 live births) 14.6
                  1. Lacking immunization (% of one-year-olds)
                    1. Measles 3
                      1. DTP 1
                  2. Education
                    1. Years of schooling
                      1. Expected 15.2
                        1. Mean 7.8
                        2. Gross enrolment ratio (% of those aged children in the population)
                          1. Pre-primary 86
                            1. Primary 110
                              1. Secondary 102
                                1. Tertiary 46
                                2. Population with some secondary education (% aged 25+) 57.5
                                  1. Pupil-teacher ratio (number of pupils to a teacher) 21
                                  2. Inequality
                                    1. Inequality-adjusted HDI (IHDI) 0.561
                                      1. Coefficient of human equality 25
                                        1. Overall loss in HDI due to (%) 25.6
                                          1. Inequality
                                            1. Education (%) 22.6
                                              1. Income (%) 37.8
                                                1. Life expectancy (%) 14.4
                                                  1. Adjusted income index 0.465
                                                    1. Adjusted life expectancy index 0.721
                                                      1. Adjusted education index 0.527
                                                      2. Income
                                                        1. Gini coefficient 51.5
                                                          1. Palma ratio 3.5
                                                            1. Quintile ratio 15.5
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