

GCSE RE Mind Map on Divorce, created by Zoe Adams on 11/05/2013.
Zoe Adams
Mind Map by Zoe Adams, updated more than 1 year ago
Zoe Adams
Created by Zoe Adams over 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Roman Catholics
    1. It is a sin - breaking a life long commitment in front of God
      1. When they divorce they cannot take the Eucharist
        1. They believe divorce is a painful subject and that their agape is to provide support
          1. People should try and stick at their relationship not see divorce as a quick fix
          2. Only under special circumstance can a marriage be annuled if the marriage was never valid.
            1. If they can't have children
              1. Forced Marriage
                1. They never had sex (marriage is for children so therefore no sex = no children)
                2. Once annulled they are free to marry
                3. Church of England
                  1. Recognise that sometimes it's impossible not to divorce
                    1. abusive relationship
                      1. Adultery
                      2. Christian Agape is to CARE for the couple
                        1. Believes the definition of marriage (a long life commitment) is to stay the same
                          1. Therefore remarriages within the church need to be carefully considered
                            1. 'til death do us part'
                          2. Around about 150,000 divorces a year
                            1. Personal Veiwpoints
                              1. Divorce is ok if it has a valid reason
                                1. Abuse
                                  1. Adultery
                                    1. I don't think infertility is a valid reason to divorce because marriage is a sign of a commited relationship, kids should not interfere with this
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