Prejudice & Discrimination


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Evangeline Taylor
Mind Map by Evangeline Taylor, updated more than 1 year ago
Evangeline Taylor
Created by Evangeline Taylor over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Prejudice & Discrimination
  1. Definition
    1. Prejudice
      1. A judgement about someone before knowing them
        1. Often based on stereotypes
          1. Assuming all people of a group are the same
            1. E.G All blondes are dumb
      2. Discrimination
        1. To treat someone differently because of some charactertics they have
          1. Racism
            1. Discrimination based on race or ethnicity
            2. Sexism
              1. Discrimination based on sex or gender
            3. Discrimination + Prejudice = Morally wrong (probably)
            4. Ethnicity
              1. Physical traits shared because of common ancestry
                1. Like hair, skin, height looks build
              2. Ethnicity is NOT Nationality
                1. Ethnicity based on inherited traits
                  1. Nationality based on multiple factors
                    1. Example
                      1. Place of birth
                        1. Upbringing
                          1. Parents
                            1. Citizenship
                        2. Why is the Uk called a Multi Ethnic Society
                          1. A significant proportion are not from majority ethnicity
                          2. What are the(Dis)advantages of living in a multi ethnic society?
                            1. PROS
                              1. Create a net benefit to the economy
                                1. They bring necessary skills and labour
                                  1. Leads to a more interesting diverse society
                                    1. Culturial diversity promotes tolerance of ther religion and cultures
                                    2. CONS
                                      1. Immigrants are a financial draining
                                        1. They take British jobs
                                          1. Different religious cultures lead to tension and violence
                                            1. British identity and culture at risk - Devalues
                                          2. What is community cohesion?
                                            1. A community of people from different groups co-exist peacefully, without prejudice & discrimination
                                            2. Historical Examples
                                              1. Racism in the UK
                                                1. Murder of black teenager Stephen Lawrence, exposed racism in the UK
                                                  1. Leads to racial tensions
                                                    1. lead to riots in Bradford
                                                  2. Growing support for groups with prejudice views (BNP)
                                                  3. Slave trade
                                                    1. Mass slaughter of 6 million Jews & other minority groups
                                                      1. Martin Luther king
                                                        1. He fought against racial segregation in USA
                                                      2. What does the UK government to do to promote community cohesion?
                                                        1. Various laws make it illegal to discrimination
                                                          1. 1976 - The Race Relation Act , made it illegal
                                                            1. To discriminate by ethnicity
                                                              1. To stir up racial hatred
                                                              2. 2010 - The Equality Act
                                                                1. Combine anti-discrimination bills including:
                                                                  1. The Race Relation Act
                                                                    1. Sex Discrimination Act
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