The Ear


Leaving Certificate Biology Mind Map on The Ear, created by Niamh . on 30/03/2017.
Niamh .
Mind Map by Niamh ., updated more than 1 year ago
Niamh .
Created by Niamh . almost 8 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

The Ear
  1. Outer ear
    1. Pinna - visible part of the ear, funnels sound intot he ear canal, made of cartilage
      1. Ear canal - leads to the ear drum
        1. Ear drum - membrane of skin, vibrates when sound hits it
        2. Middle ear
          1. Ossicles (Hammer - mallus, Anvil - incus, Stirrup - stapes
            1. Eustachian tube - keeps pressure equal on both sides of ear drum
            2. Inner ear
              1. Cochlea - fluid filled, coiled, helps with hearing
                1. Semi-circular canals - helps with balance
                2. We hear by...
                  1. The pinna channeling the sound to the eardrum
                    1. The eardrum vibrates, which then causes the ossicles to vibrate, which amplify the sound by 20 times
                      1. The stirrup pushes on the oval window against the cochlea, which moves the lymph inside
                        1. Special hairs, which are nerve endings, sense the movement and send messages to the brain along the auditory nerve
                          1. The brain interprets these messages as sound
                            1. We hear.
                  2. We have 3 semi-circular canals so we can have balance in 3 planes
                    1. Deafness can be caused by long exposure to high levels of noise, explosions, born with a problem with the cochlea, drugs or ear infections
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