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Psychology (Unit 1) Mind Map on Cognitive, created by hs.montgomery on 11/05/2013.
Mind Map by hs.montgomery, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by hs.montgomery over 11 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

  1. Models of Memory
    1. Working memory Model
        1. EVALUATION
        2. Multi-store model
          1. EVALUATION
          2. Types of memory
            1. long term memory
              1. duration:
                1. capactiy
                2. Short term memory: stores information for a brief period of time (temporary storage area)
                  1. Duration:
                    1. Capacity: 7 + or - 2 items, depands on age and type of material remebered
                      1. research: Miller/Jacobs tested stm by using the digit span technique- a long list of lettters or numberes which had to be repeated back correctly they found that average amout of numbers recalled was 9.3 and the average amout of letters was 7.3 (can be increased by rhythm and chunking)
                        1. research: Baddely found that capacity depended on the length of time it took to say a word - people are able to hold more short words in their STM
                        2. Encoding
                        3. sensory memory: stores unprocessed information for a fraction of a second after the physical stimulus is no longer available
                      2. Memory in everyday life
                        1. Eye witness testimony
                          1. Leading Questions
                            1. Anxiety
                              1. Age
                                1. Cognitive Interview
                                  1. Using Memory
                                    1. loci
                                      1. peg words
                                        1. cue dependent recall
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