The Battle Of Passchendaele


Master of Everything History Mind Map on The Battle Of Passchendaele, created by Grace Pulling on 12/05/2013.
Grace Pulling
Mind Map by Grace Pulling, updated more than 1 year ago
Grace Pulling
Created by Grace Pulling over 11 years ago

Resource summary

The Battle Of Passchendaele
  1. When: July 31 - November 6 1917
    1. Who: Allies - British and France Army attacking German Army
      1. Where: Passchendaele, Belgium – Western Front
        1. Why?
          1. The Allies had one against the Germans at the Battle of Messines
            1. Sir General Douglas Haig was confident that they could win another battle when the Germans were weak.
            2. Haig thought he could break the Germans lines if he pushed to the coast.
              1. He though he could severely weaken their navy if he took over the naval bases of Blankenberge & Ostend.
            3. Also known as Third Battle of Ypres
              1. How?
                1. 1. Before the attack the Allies - fired guns and threw shells for a week at the German front.
                  1. 2. The British attacked the Germans from the right, while the French supported them by attacking from the left.
                    1. 3. But the Germans, had become alert and prepared during the bombings, and they managed to stop the Allies making advances on territory when they (Allies) attacked.
                      1. 4. There were heavy rains which did not allow tanks to advance, and inhibited soldiers.
                        1. The Germans had predicted this weather so their trenches were well dug in and the soldiers were prepared.
                        2. 5. Haig continued to order attacks on the Germans after the rain stopped.
                          1. The British planned a number of ambushes that resulted in few victories.
                            1. e.g ANZAC soldiers aimed to capture the town of Passchendaele, though the rain started pouring and Germans fired gas shells, most shells failed to explode because the mud was to deep. Instead the soldiers were cut down by machine guns.
                            2. After the Anzacs failed, Haig turned to the Canadians. 16,000 Canadians died.
                          2. Outcome:
                            1. The Allies won.
                              1. Mustard gas was used which caused injuries and many severe burns for the casualties.
                                1. The BEF (British Expeditionary Force) had 310,000 casualties.
                                  1. The Germans lost 260,000 soldiers
                                  2. Haig was critisized as he forced the soldiers to proceed even though they were exhausted and many died.
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