Of Mice and Men


Mind map of the main parts of the book of mice and men.
Mind Map by becky_e, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by becky_e almost 11 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (11)

Resource summary

Of Mice and Men
  1. Themes
    1. Discrimination
      1. Racism
        1. Crooks
          1. 'Nigger'
            1. 'Negro'
            2. Sexism
              1. Curley's Wife
                1. 'hi good lookin'
                2. Disability
                  1. Lennie
                3. Loneliness
                  1. Workers
                    1. Travelling
                    2. Friendship
                      1. George + Lennie
                        1. Different
                      2. American Dream
                        1. Freedom
                          1. Equality
                            1. Success
                            2. Man + Nature
                            3. Steinbeck
                              1. Nature
                                1. Pathetic Fallacy
                                  1. Death
                                    1. Metaphors
                                    2. Discrimination
                                      1. Displaying opinions
                                        1. Steinbeck challenging morals?
                                          1. Start of change?
                                            1. Start of the change?
                                        2. Play
                                          1. Acts
                                            1. Starts with nature


                                              • Genesis Garden Of Eden Utopia
                                              1. People enter
                                                1. Destruction of peace


                                                  • Darwin
                                                  1. Cliff hanger
                                          2. Death
                                            1. Progressive
                                              1. Foreshadowing
                                                1. Animals
                                                  1. Suggesting Lennie is an animal
                                                    1. Mouse


                                                      • Get bigger and more significant
                                                      1. Dog
                                                        1. Curley's Wife
                                                          1. Lennie
                                                  2. Words
                                                    1. Economic


                                                      • Uses every word to effect, and doesn't waste any words, hence the book being so small
                                                      1. Descriptive
                                                    2. Characters
                                                      1. Slim


                                                        • The wise 'old' man of the group, he's wiser than his years and understands his surroundings.
                                                        1. Crooks


                                                          • He is the stable buck. He is black. But the reader is surprised to discover that he is actually very well read and intelligent. He is treated like scum. He isn't allowed to sleep in the same bunk as the others.
                                                          1. George
                                                            1. Short / Sharp
                                                              1. Features
                                                                1. Speech
                                                              2. Lennie
                                                                1. Big / Slow
                                                                  1. Description
                                                                    1. Speech
                                                                  2. Candy


                                                                    • Old man. Tries to join onto G+L's farm idea, for a sense of belonging and american dream.
                                                                    1. Candy's Dog


                                                                      • Gets shot by Carlson as it is old and no use. Candy becomes very lonely as that was his companionship.
                                                                    2. Curley


                                                                      • A small character that likes to pick on people bigger than him for fights. Gets into a fight with lennie, and lennie squashes his hand.
                                                                      1. Boss


                                                                        • Never meet the boss. Only hear about him.
                                                                        1. Candy's Wife


                                                                          • A flirty type, but the likely hood is she is also lonely. Although being married to Curley it does not seem as though she enjoys this relationship. She gets killed by Lennie.
                                                                          1. Old Suzy


                                                                            • respected 'whore house' where the men usually spend their weekly pay
                                                                            1. Aunt Clara


                                                                              • Dead. But is often referred back to as a source of comfort for Lennie.
                                                                            2. Language
                                                                              1. Realistic
                                                                                1. Informal
                                                                                  1. 'ain't'
                                                                                    1. 'outta'
                                                                                      1. 'whatta'
                                                                                        1. 'where the hell'
                                                                                          1. 'awright'
                                                                                            1. 'damn hot'
                                                                                            2. Slang
                                                                                              1. Simplistic Description
                                                                                                1. Simplistic Description
                                                                                                Show full summary Hide full summary


                                                                                                about 9 years ago
                                                                                                everyone makes mistakes
                                                                                                over 10 years ago
                                                                                                tis not candy's wife, tis curleys's wife
                                                                                                almost 11 years ago
                                                                                                what were you trying to say underneath language? two words are merged


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