

AS level IT Mind Map on Revision, created by Brandon Davies on 10/04/2017.
Brandon Davies
Mind Map by Brandon Davies, updated more than 1 year ago
Brandon Davies
Created by Brandon Davies over 7 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Queries / SQL
    1. Complex
      1. Example
        1. This is where you have multiple criteria that the search has to meet
          1. SELECT ALL FROM table WHERE Age = 25 AND Town = Halifax
            1. usually returns limited values as it is a mor refined search
            2. Simple
              1. Example
                1. This is where you only have one criteria to match.
                  1. usually returns many values as it only looks at one aspect of the data
                    1. SELECT ALL FROM table WHERE Height = 1.96m
                  2. Laws
                    1. Computer misuse Act
                      1. Creates laws to tackle unathourised access and use
                        1. Unauthorised access to computer material
                          1. Unauthorised access with intent to commit or facilitate a crime
                            1. Unauthorised modification of computer material.
                              1. Making, supplying or obtaining anything which can be used in computer misuse offences
                        2. Data Protection Act
                          1. Manages what data is stored and how much is stored and the way it is stored
                            1. 8 Principle
                              1. Data shall be processed fairly and lawfully.
                                1. Data shall be obtained only for one or more specified and lawful purposes.
                                  1. Personal data shall be adequate, relevant.
                                    1. Data shall be accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date.
                                      1. Data processed for any purpose or purposes shall not be kept for longer than is necessary
                                        1. Data shall be processed in accordance with the rights of data subjects under this Act.
                                          1. Appropriate technical and organisational measures shall be taken against unauthorised or unlawful processing of personal data
                                            1. Personal data shall not be transferred to a country or territory outside the European Economic Area
                            2. Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act
                              1. Allows for surveillance and collection of private data by certain individuals
                                1. prevents the existence of interception warrants and any data collected with them from being revealed in court.
                                  1. allows certain public bodies to monitor people's Internet activities
                                    1. enables certain public bodies to demand that someone hand over keys to protected information
                                      1. enables certain public bodies to demand ISPs fit equipment to facilitate surveillance
                                        1. enables mass surveillance of communications in transit
                                          1. enables certain public bodies to demand that an ISP provide access to a customer's communications in secret
                                2. Copyright and Patents Act
                                  1. protects original designs and creations
                                    1. Work Covered
                                      1. Literary Song lyrics, manuscripts, manuals, computer programs, commercial documents, leaflets, newsletters and articles etc.
                                        1. Dramatic Plays, dance, etc.
                                          1. Musical Recordings and score.
                                            1. Artistic Photography, painting, architecture, technical drawings/diagrams, maps, logos, etc.
                                              1. Typographical arrangement of published editions Magazines, periodicals, etc.
                                                1. Sound recordings May be recordings of works, e.g. musical and literary.
                                                  1. Films Broadcasts and cable programmes.
                                  2. Wizards
                                    1. A wizard is user interface which presents the user with a sequence of dialogue boxes that lead the user through a series of well-defined steps.
                                    2. Macros
                                      1. A macro is a way to automate a task or procedure which you perform on a regular basis.
                                      2. Templates
                                        1. A template is a tool for ensuring that all documents or pages have a standard layout, look and feel.
                                        2. Stylesheets
                                          1. A style sheet contains the instructions for the layout of a document, such as the font styles and sizes to be used, the style of headings and sub-headings, the size of the margins etc.
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