Creating Mind Maps with GoConqr


A mind map that describes the uses and features of GoConqr Mind Maps
karen taylor
Mind Map by karen taylor, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Sarah Egan
Created by Sarah Egan about 8 years ago
karen taylor
Copied by karen taylor over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Creating Mind Maps with GoConqr
  1. Ideal for Visual Learners
    1. Use Colour
      1. Add images
        1. Attach annotations


          • This is an annotation!
          1. Attach other Resources


            1. Change Shape
              1. Format text
              2. Mind maps are for everyone
                1. Teachers
                  1. Students
                    1. Professionals
                    2. Share
                      1. with Friends and Colleagues
                        1. Invite by
                          1. Email
                            1. Facebook
                              1. Google
                            2. in public Groups
                              1. in private Groups
                                1. on social media
                                  1. by email
                                  2. Distribute
                                    1. Insert in website
                                      1. Insert in blog
                                        1. Download as PNG
                                          1. Export to Note
                                          2. Access anywhere
                                            1. Online
                                              1. iOS (apple)
                                                1. Android apps
                                                2. Uses
                                                  1. Brainstorm projects
                                                    1. Plan essays


                                                      1. Map curriculum


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