Soft Engineering - Pevensey Bay, Sussex


Mind Map on Soft Engineering - Pevensey Bay, Sussex, created by jenny_mcdonald on 11/05/2014.
Mind Map by jenny_mcdonald, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jenny_mcdonald almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Soft Engineering - Pevensey Bay, Sussex
  1. UK's first public/private partnership funded scheme
    1. Including EA, HM treasury, Pevensey coastal protection LTD.
    2. Project
      1. Begun in 200 with a budget of £30 million
        1. Protects 15,000 properties, holiday caravan sites and the A259
          1. Protects the rail way line
          2. Consists of:
            1. Beach reprofiling, using heavy machinery to change the shape of the beach after a storm and after summer in prep fro winter. Also sediment is moved from some areas of the beach to others
              1. Beach replenishment introducing more shingle to the beach
                1. Groynes, Some of the original damaged groynes have been replaced with new ones
                  1. Beach monitoring
                    1. Use of non-traditional materials such ascot pressed tyres under the beach to secure the shingle in place
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