Flood Management AQA GCSE


AQA GCSE Flood management
Elora Graham
Mind Map by Elora Graham, updated more than 1 year ago
Elora Graham
Created by Elora Graham almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Flood Management AQA GCSE
  1. Hard engineering
    1. Embankments: raising the level of the river bank.
      1. Flood Relief channels; concrete channels to make the river bypass urban areas.
        1. Dams and Reservoirs: artificial lakes that control water and prevent large amounts of water flow
          1. Channel straightening: cutting off meanders to speed up water flow.
          2. Soft engineering
            1. Afforestation: planting trees
              1. Wetland areas: river floodplains that store water
                1. Floodplain zoning: allocating certain areas for specific use (i.e river banks are not for housing)
                  1. River restoration: using natural river features (meanders and wetlands) to reduce flooding
                  2. Preparation
                    1. Flood warnings: 3 different levels
                      1. Satellite and computer tracking/imaging
                        1. Making houses flood proof i.e moving valuables upstairs
                          1. Sandbags
                            1. Floodgates
                              1. Emergency services and local authorities map floods and prioritise at risk areas.
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