Molecular Orbitals and Hybridization


International Baccalaureate (IB) Chemistry Mind Map on Molecular Orbitals and Hybridization, created by Arianna Weaving on 20/04/2017.
Arianna Weaving
Mind Map by Arianna Weaving, updated more than 1 year ago
Arianna Weaving
Created by Arianna Weaving over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Molecular Orbitals and Hybridization
  1. Although the Lewis representation is a useful model to represent covalent bonds it does make the false assumption that all the valence electrons are the same
    1. Sigma bonds
      1. a (sigma) bond is formed when two atomic orbitals on different atoms overlap along a line drawn through the two nuclei.
        1. This occurs when two s orbitals overlap, an s orbital overlaps with a p orbital, or when two p orbitals overlap 'head on'.
        2. Pi bonds
          1. Pi bond is formed when two p orbitals overlap 'sideways on'
            1. the overlap now occurs above and below the line drawn through the two nuclei
              1. A pi bond is made up of two regions of electron density.
              2. Hybridization

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