Ions and Formulas


You will need to know about ionic bonding before starting this mind-map. Facts about Ions and Formulas. Comment below if this helps you :)
Evangeline Taylor
Mind Map by Evangeline Taylor, updated more than 1 year ago
Evangeline Taylor
Created by Evangeline Taylor over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Ions and Formulas
  1. Groups 1&2 and 6&7 (in the periodic table) are most likely to form ions
    1. Group 1&2 elements are metals and they lose electron to form positive ions
      1. Group 6&7 elements are non-metals and they gain electrons to form negative ions
      2. Any of the positive ions above can combine with any of the negative to form an ionic compound
        1. Only element at opposite sides of the periodic table will form ionic compound
          1. Where one of them becomes a positive ion and one becomes a negative ion
            1. Look at charges to work out the formula of an ionic compound
            2. Ionic compound are made up of a positive charged part and a negatively charged part. The overall charge of any compound is zero
              1. So all the negative charges in the compound must balance all the positive charges

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