What were the strengths and weaknesses of the Commonwealth and protectorate from 1649 to 1660


History Mind Map on What were the strengths and weaknesses of the Commonwealth and protectorate from 1649 to 1660, created by adamwood451 on 13/05/2013.
Mind Map by adamwood451, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by adamwood451 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

What were the strengths and weaknesses of the Commonwealth and protectorate from 1649 to 1660
  1. Strengths
    1. Commonwealth
      1. Rump
        1. Controlled radicals
          1. Brought in effective law reforms. English Law in English
            1. Brought problems in Ireland to a close
              1. Fended off opp from Charles and Scots
                1. Able to deal with Booth's Rebellion
                2. Barebones
                  1. Brought in sensible law reforms such as civil marriage
                3. Protectorate
                  1. Oliver Cromwell
                    1. Strong leader - kept army in line
                      1. Instrument of Government - clear set up of operation
                        1. Dealt with violent uprisings (Penruddock's 55)
                          1. Willing to try new methods of control eg Major Generals
                            1. Passed sensible ordinances such as removal of engagement
                              1. Religious toleration
                                1. Wise to refuse the crown in Humble Petition and Advice
                                2. Richard Cromwell
                                  1. Nice guy, non regicide
                              2. Weaknesses
                                1. Protectorate
                                  1. Oliver Cromwell
                                    1. Had to be a strong leader to keep army in line
                                      1. Opp from parl - particularly Commonwealth's men
                                        1. Seen as Regicide government by Royalists
                                          1. No support from Parl. Refusal to pay army
                                            1. Major generals disaster
                                              1. Accepting Humble petition alienated Junior officers
                                                1. HPaA split Parl
                                                2. Richard Cromwell
                                                  1. Unprepared
                                                    1. No control over army
                                                      1. Did not remove army oppsition
                                                        1. No control of parl
                                                      2. Commonwealth
                                                        1. Rump
                                                          1. Not radical enough - no army support
                                                            1. Not moderate enough for public support
                                                              1. Collection of Regicides
                                                                1. Could be dissolved by strong army
                                                                  1. Wouldn't set date for dissolution
                                                                    1. Tried to make people swear the Engagement
                                                                      1. Huge debt
                                                                      2. Barebones
                                                                        1. Dominated by religious radicals
                                                                          1. Not voted in - lack of support
                                                                            1. Reactionary and impulsive
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