

A level Edexcel India 1914-48 Mind Map on 1928-1939, created by Tom Lea on 13/05/2013.
Tom Lea
Mind Map by Tom Lea, updated more than 1 year ago
Tom Lea
Created by Tom Lea over 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Simon Commission 1928
    1. Nehru Report
      1. Issued in response to no indian involvement in Simon Commision
        1. All Indian roundtable conference
          1. Set out a constitution for a future independent India
            1. Disagreement between Congress and ML about reserved seats.
              1. Jinnah refuses to compromise


                • Seen as an end to the period of unity between Congress and ML (rapproachment) and called the 'parting of the ways' Jinnah retires from politics and goes to England
          2. Review dyarchy
            1. Is further reform needed?
              1. Sent a year early


                • Conservatives don't want the incoming Labour govt to carry out reform - think they will give more reform.
                1. No Indians on the review panel
                  1. Congress boycott - Nehru report
                  2. Of limited importance - Labour come to power and issue dominion declaration
                2. Salt march 1930


                  • Gandhi chose the salt law as it was symbolic - need salt for life in hot country. The law was petty and insignificant  - made the British look worse when they used brutal methods to control the protesters.
                  1. First mass movement since violence that ended Non-cooperation


                    • Gandhi had been very reluctant to launch another mass movement - scared it will descend into violence. Hence careful controls in SM
                    1. Only 78 people march - hand picked to ensure there would be no violence
                      1. From Gandhi's ashram to Dandi Beach approx 400km
                        1. Arrived at Dandi beach - makes salt, calls for all supporters to also break the salt law
                        2. Huge media coverage, national and international
                          1. British Reaction - mass arrests and brutal control
                            1. Dharasana Salt Works
                              1. Ahimsa (shame your attacker)
                                1. USA react - showed displeasure by putting report of actions on record in Congress
                                  1. 2000 demonstrated 2 killed 320 injured
                                  2. 20,000 arrested
                                  3. Support
                                    1. 75,000 people gathered to watch the march leave ashram
                                      1. 10,000 attended a prayer meeting the day before
                                    2. 1929
                                      1. Radicalisation of Congress 1929
                                        1. Gandhi Backs the 'young hooligans' (radicals)
                                          1. J Nehru becomes leader of Congress
                                            1. Stated aim of Congress becomes 'purna swaraj'
                                            2. Dominion Declaration/ Irwin Declaration


                                              • Shows the impact of a Labour govt - change in opinion from Conservatives.
                                              1. Repeated message of Montague Declaration
                                                1. Along with the Nehru report made the Simon Commision irrelevant
                                              2. Communal award 1932
                                                1. Outbreak of war
                                                  1. Civil Disobedience
                                                    1. Following the success of the Salt march civil dis becomes national mov
                                                        1. Individual Civil Disobedience
                                                        2. Roundtable Conferences
                                                          1. 1st Conf


                                                            • Following the Dominion declaration Nationalists assumed that the conferences would be to draft a new constitution but Britain was not prepared to do this.  Purpose of confs was just to reassure Indians of their long term intentions.
                                                            1. Attended by 89 represetatives from Britain and India
                                                              1. Basic agreement reached the future govt of Ind should be based on a federal democratic model
                                                                1. Gandhi and Congress leaders were in prison. Congress officially boycotted the conf.
                                                                  1. Enter text here
                                                                  2. 2nd Conf
                                                                    1. 3rd Conf
                                                                    2. 1935 Govt of India Act
                                                                      1. 1937 Elections
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                                                                        Tom Lea
                                                                        Post War 1945-1947
                                                                        Tom Lea
                                                                        Communal violence_1
                                                                        Tom Lea
                                                                        The (Neil) Cripps Mission
                                                                        Tom Lea
                                                                        Factors of Independence
                                                                        Tom Lea
                                                                        The Calcutta Killings
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                                                                        1930-1934 Timeline
                                                                        Tom Lea
                                                                        Post-War 1945-1947: Impact of War
                                                                        Tom Lea
                                                                        Menon Plan
                                                                        Tom Lea
                                                                        Impact of Churchill
                                                                        Tom Lea