What factors account for the limited success of the Protectorate 1653-1659


A2 History Mind Map on What factors account for the limited success of the Protectorate 1653-1659, created by rmparkinson on 13/05/2013.
Mind Map by rmparkinson, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by rmparkinson over 11 years ago

Resource summary

What factors account for the limited success of the Protectorate 1653-1659
  1. Legality/legitimacy
    1. Instrument of Government never truly accepted
      1. Parliament not called by a monarch
        1. Attachments:

        2. Parliamentary conservatism
          1. Commonwealth's Men
            1. Redamittance in second Parlaiments 2nd session caused division
            2. Elections didn't return a house submissive to Cromwell and the Army
              1. Challenged Protector's right to issue ordinances, sough to restrict his power
                1. Lawyers overturned law reforms
                  1. Supicious of Army
                  2. Army
                    1. Major Generals
                      1. Resentment from gentry due to local power being taken away by soldiers.
                        1. In charge of enforcing poor law, decimiation tax, controlling public morality
                      2. Cromwell
                        1. Richard's incompetence
                          1. Death in September 1658
                            1. Dismissed Parliament on many occasions, failing to come to agreements
                              1. Implemented Oath of Recognition
                              2. Opposition
                                  1. Royalists - saw the Protectorate as illegal
                                    1. Radicals
                                      1. Political - wanted more fundamental constitutional reforms
                                        1. Religous - saw Cromwell as the man who had destroyed their chance of creating the new Jerusalem
                                        2. Republicans/Commonwealth's-men - opposed to any form of government with a 'single-person' element. Opposed to Cromwell due to military coup dissolving the Rump
                                          1. 80 MPs refused to take the Oath of Recognition and were excluded
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