1.6 Cell Division


DP IB Biology (01 Cell Biology) Mind Map on 1.6 Cell Division, created by Steve Harton on 12/05/2014.
Steve Harton
Mind Map by Steve Harton, updated more than 1 year ago
Steve Harton
Created by Steve Harton almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

1.6 Cell Division
  1. Nature of Science
    1. The discovery of cyclins was accidental
      1. Involved in the control of the cell cycle
    2. Phases
      1. Identification of phases with microscopes or micrographs
        1. Interphase
          1. Phase G1
            1. Phase S
              1. DNA replication
                1. Sister chromatids versus Chromosomes
              2. Phase G2
              3. Mitosis
                1. Prophase
                  1. Metaphase
                    1. Anaphase
                      1. Telophase
                      2. Cytokinesis
                    2. International-Mindedness
                      1. Biologists are researching into the causes and treatment of cancer
                        1. Primary and Secondary tumours
                          1. Mutagens
                            1. Oncogenes
                              1. Metastasis
                                1. Correlation between smoking and incidence of cancers
                                2. Mitotic index
                                  1. Predicting the response of cancer cells to chemotherapy
                              2. TOK
                                1. Scientific discoveries be the results of intuition rather than luck?
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