GCSE Foundation Maths Revision


maths mind map revision, year 11, foundation, GCSE --- Hope this is helpful.
Thomas McLinden
Mind Map by Thomas McLinden, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Mia Jones
Created by Mia Jones about 10 years ago
Thomas McLinden
Copied by Thomas McLinden over 7 years ago

Resource summary

GCSE Foundation Maths Revision


  1. Algebra
    1. Simplifying
      1. EXAMPLES
        1. t² x t³ = t⁵
          1. y⁸ x y³ = y¹¹
            1. p⁷÷ p⁵ = p²
              1. m¹⁰÷m² = m⁸
            2. Factorise
              1. EXAMPLES
                1. 8m²-12m = 4m(2m-3)
                  1. 12p²-8p = 4p(3p-2)
                    1. 6q²-9q = 3q(2q-3)
                      1. 16m²-12m = 4m(4m-3)
                      2. How Do You Factorise?
                        1. Step 1) You have to find the largest number that fits into the sequence or the most common letter.
                          1. e.g 12x-3a .The largest number that goes into both would be 3
                            1. e.g 12x²-3x . The most common letter would be x
                            2. Step 2) You then see how many time that letter or number can go into each side.
                              1. e.g 12x-3a. This would then be 3(4x-a)
                                1. e.g 12x²-3x . This would be x(12x-3)
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